Coffee Fun Facts

Want to dive a little deeper into just what makes coffee so unique? Keep reading these lesser known fun know...for fun.

Coffee Life Cycle

The coffee bean starts as a tasty piece of fruit called a coffee cheerry. The cherries are picked, processed, dried, and then roasted to create the delicious beverage you know and love. Each step of the process impacts the coffee you taste.


 The Coffee Belt

Coffee can only be grown in certain areas of the world known as the coffee belt. Different regions produce different flavors within each bean. A variety of factors including the altitude, climate, and soil affect taste.


How Coffee is Changing

In recent years, lots of care has gone into all aspects of coffee from seed to cup. Coffee has transitioned into a drink that can be as intricate and nuanced as a fine wine — often times even more so. These changes are referred to as “waves”. 

Initally, first wave coffee was mass produced commodity coffee with no specific origin. During the 2nd wave — we were beginning to appreciate coffee. It was traced to specific countries and occasionally regions. Now — coffee can be traced to specific farms and craft roasted to bring out flavors specific to each bean’s region.


What makes specialty coffee so special?

As opposed to "commodity grade" coffee, specialty coffee has a much higher set of standards it must meet.


Ideal climate for natural coffee growth

Few or no defects in the beans

Uniform size and shape

Score of at least 80+ (out of 100) on the SCAA grading scale


Meet Our Head Roaster


Making Better Coffee: The Basics